It depends on shipment type and country.
If you had chosen registered air mail it can take several weeks to 2 month arrival depending on transit times. Shipments leave our country (Turkey) fast in 2-4 days and after that all time is up to your country's or transit country's transit times. From our old orders we can make table like that:

Europe Countries

2-3 Weeks (Sometimes Less)


3-4 Weeks


4-6 Weeks

African Countries

4-6 Weeks


2-3 Weeks


3-4 Weeks


3-6 Weeks


4-5 Weeks

*Peru, Ecuador, Colombia

4-6 Weeks


4-6 Weeks


3-4 Weeks

Saudi Arabia

3-4 Weeks

Middle Asia Countries

3-4 Weeks


2-3 Weeks

Mongolia, China

4-6 Weeks

United Kingdom, Ireland

3-4 Weeks

Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania

3 Weeks


2-3 Weeks

*Mexico, Peru, Ecuador & Colombia shipments can lose too much time at transits after dispatch.

We are sending shipment code but this can be only trackable inside your country. We suggest this countries to DHL express (3-5 Days arrival time) for more reliable and tracking option.

These countries are the only examples. If your country is not in the list, don't be afraid. We are shipping to all over the world including your country too:)

And if you ordered with DHL Express it takes 3-5 days total. For centrals usually it is 3 days. If it is not arrived to you, maybe it has a problem with your country's customs rules.